It is a well-known fact that natural cosmetic are the most beneficial. After all, our grandmas have used only ingredients of vegetable, mineral or beeswax origins. As it turns out, the trend of using natural products in hair care is becoming more and more popular each day. Women started appreciating fruit extracts, vitamins and vegetable […]
Tips & Tricks
Do you have sensitive skin? If yes, then go for minimalism. You’ll avoid redness, itching and spots. Remember that more than a half of women experience some problems with their complexion. Check how to take care of the skin that is prone to irritations. Today, the term ‘sensitive skin’ is often overused. Just a slight […]
Oils have been used in natural skin care for a very long time now mainly because they don’t only moisturise skin but also cleanse it. Moreover, natural oils are a constituent of conditioning beauty products and the basic ingredient of eye makeup removers. How does natural hair and body care with oils look like? How […]
Tips & Tricks
Doing brow makeup seems to be quite complicated and mundane, but women who do it every day report spending little time on it. Despite occupying just a few seconds, the final effect is highly satisfying: eyebrows are well-shaped and accentuated, facial features are brought out and eyelids seem to be bigger. How to do eyebrow […]
Tips & Tricks
There are many different products available in drugstores but their composition and effects leave a lot to be desired. Many women have already learned how to read the list of ingredients, including the INCI names, so they always check the composition before buying a product. Today, we prefer to use homemade care products – they […]
Tips & Tricks
Face skin soaps (e.g. charcoal or Aleppo), all kinds of cosmetic mousses and cleansers are the most popular products for washing the skin and removing makeup. However, are they the best? Many women give up on them and reach for oils – OCM is a brilliant ritual of cleansing the skin with oils and it’s […]
Tips & Tricks
It is believed that preservatives in cosmetics can negatively affect our skin. But… is it true? Let’s check what preservatives actually are, how they work and whether they really affect the skin. What are preservatives? Preservatives are synthetic ingredients that prevent spoilage and prolong the shelf life of the products. Preservatives are added to prevent […]
Tips & Tricks
Except the aesthetic role, eyelashes also have also the protective function. In order for them to fulfil their role as long as possible, they should be properly taken care of. This is only possible when we are aware of their structure, the growth cycle and possible reasons for eyelash loss. Get to know your eyelashes […]
Tips & Tricks
Before spring and summer it is necessary to take care of your feet. Your heels, nails and skin need some help to get ready before the upcoming warm months. Check how to do it properly, which cosmetics and methods to use to make your feet beautiful. Difficult foot care Foot care is an extremely difficult […]
Tips & Tricks
These fats definitely won’t harm you and even though fats make you think of the bad things and health problems, you must know that the fats we focus on today are healthy. You should add them to your diet and use in cosmetics: they deliver an array of benefits that are crucial for your body, […]