
Plants from meadow and garden that will pamper your skin

Probably you aren’t even aware of the fact how many plants, which grow in your garden or a meadow located nearby, are able to deliver healing and caring action. It turns out that some of them can help you fight back acne, wrinkles, discolorations and other skin imperfections. Learn the incredible properties of Cuckooflower, Phragmites and Goldmoss Stonecrop.

fiołek-artykułCuckooflower (Mayflower)

It can grow up to 50 cm and has white flowers of fair violet shade. It lives in South America, Asia and Europe along banks of water reservoirs and across damp meadow areas. The material collected from Cuckooflower is a herb that is picked up in spring, at the beginning of April. What are the features of the plant? Cuckooflower:

  • is a rich source of vitamins A, B, C, E, K, PP and microelements (it contains sulphur, chrome and iron, to name just a few),
  • it influences hair, nails and skin positively,
  • improves work of the digestive system.

Phragmite (Ditch Reed)

Probably everyone knows this plant. It’s very high because it can grow even 4 meters long. Equally long are its leaves – they can reach even 60 cm. It’s characteristic element is white and brown perch which frequently constitutes part of bunches. The favoured place for Ditch Reed to grow are swamps and banks of water reservoirs located on all continents. The healing material is rootstock which has to be dug out in autumn or early spring. The caring properties of Phragmite depends on:

  • soothing fatigued skin,
  • relieving inflammations,
  • maintaining hydration,
  • evening wrinkles and other skin imperfections out,
  • highlighting discolorations and adding shine to complexion.

Goldmoss Stonecrop (Wallpepper)

It’s another plant well-known to everybody. It’s really tiny – it grows no higher than 15 cm. It has gold and yellow flowers of pointy-ended petals. Goldmoss Stonecrop can be found in south Africa, west Asia and Europe. For healing purposes these are herbs of the plant that are collected; best if picked up during summer. The caring properties of Wallpepper include:

  • lightening up of discolorations,
  • replenishing skin with water and preventing water loss from inner skin layers,
  • softening hard epidermis.
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