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Beauty Face

School of skin care. Learn the needs of your skin!

Are you aware of the needs of your facial skin? Even though the skin signals that it lacks moisture or sun protection, we rarely read the signs. The time has come to catch up and learn the skin’s needs. Then, you can pass the skin care exam with flying colors!

A moisturizer or a face-lift cream? What about serum? Use a toner or not? Remove make-up with micellar water, oil or bi-phase remover?

There are lots of skin care-related questions that need to be answered. You might look for an answer to each one and get lost in the contradictory posts and articles… You can also learn the basics, or what skin needs no matter the type. Then, it will be easier for you to customize it to your needs.


Flawless skin does not exist without sufficient amount of moisture. It is a basic, fundamental rule that must be remembered.

When skin lacks hydration, you experience tight-feeling skin, itchiness, smarting, discomfort. The skin loses elasticity, is red and exposed to faster appearance of face lines, dark spots and other blemishes. That’s why day-to-day moisture-boosting is a fundamental element of skin care. You can do it by drinking lots of water during the day or/and using products such as serums and moisturizers.


The skin both “drinks” and “eats” so you need to deliver nutrients in order to give it strength and ability to repair and restore cells. Nourishing is a secret to youthful skin.

How can we nourish the skin? Both internally and externally. This “double power” gives the best results.

  1. Diet: what we eat affects the appearance of skin, therefore, we must make sure we eat balanced, healthy meals, lots of vegetables, fruit and wholegrain products. The skin needs vitamins, minerals and omega fatty acids. The last ingredients can be found in oils, fish, nuts and avocado.
  2. Skin care: natural products, especially masks full of essential nutrients, give skin the most benefits. To nourish the skin, a vitamin-based serum is a great pick – a concentrated, intensively-working product.


Antiaging routine is the last and extremely important step. Without our support, the skin is unable to keep young long – it is exposed to unfavorable factors every single day.

What causes faster skin aging?

  • Overexposure to the sunlight.
  • Lack of UV protection.
  • Deficits of collagen and elastin.
  • Insufficient moisture levels.
  • Impurities and pollution.
  • Free radicals and oxidative stress.

You can prevent the effect of all of these factors e.g. by using a face-lift serum. If your serum is rich in vitamin C, retinol, vit. E, coenzyme Q10 and hyaluronic acid, you moisturize, nourish, brighten and add radiance to skin, making it look younger at the same time. Surely, vitamin C serum isn’t the only antiaging product on the market but it’s definitely worth a shot.

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