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Ingrown hair – causes & remedies

Ingrown hairs are a problem that affects many women who remove unwanted hairs. Although this treatment makes the skin smooth for a long time, the hairs start to grow back and some of them can’t rise up from the skin. What are the causes of ingrown hairs and how to prevent them? How do dermocosmetics...


5 Beauty Treatments That Can Make You Suffer

We all want to take care of our good looks the best we can. We often try professional procedures that are supposed to help us. However, we must choose them carefully and avoid some of them like the plague as they do more harm than good. Which ones you’d better not try? Are there treatments that...


10 reasons why your skin doesn’t like you

You probably think that there is nothing wrong with good old care treatments. However, it turns out that your skin is struggling every day because of being exposed to harsh conditions.. So that it no longer likes you. Why? Check if you’re not harming your skin in one of the following ways. 1. You...